Strategic Planning is a management process that is performed after the formulation of measurable objectives for the short, medium and long term; after determining the resources needed for their obtention, so as the implementing control measures and possible contingency plans to implement in case of changes in the conditions, along the process.

This document supplies the information needed to behave, as effectively and efficiently as possible, the direction of the organization. Therefore, the business activities are based on a coherent plan and not on hunches.

“The strategic plan is for a company as a compass to a traveler. It is a true instrument of orientation, which prevents that the company navigate to the taste of the wind, wandering, without knowing where you’re going”, says António Vale, CEO of Value Added Partners.

He adds: “The development of a strategic plan must be scheduled by itself and wrap the structure of human resources, so all people of the organization are responsible and involve in its implementation, also been fundamental that everyone knows in detail the objectives and lay down ways by the organization with which they collaborate.

Value Added Partners, for example, made a strategic plan for every each of its clients with the firm intention that serves like a guide to the accountable for the company for a period around 5 years. Value recommends revising and adjusting periodically this plan, in order to stay current. 

In resume, strategic planning is vital to the success of organizations, whatever the business is.
[photo credit: Victor1558]